Set-up for Limited Communication Speed
The communication speed of the modem can be fixed to a
lower rate in case of data transmission errors due to tele-
phone line limitations. See section "Start-up Sequence" or
see the Excel 50 User Guide, EN2B-137, for the procedure
for fixing the baud rate.
In case of any problems the handbook of the modem or
ISDN terminal adapter must be consulted.
A “Frequently Asked Questions and Troubleshooting”
document is available via the Honeywell Technical
Assistance Center (TAC) or, for Honeywell employees, on
the HIVE under:
Technical Assistance Center/Controllers/Excel 80 and 100
and 500 and 600/ technical literature/modemfaq.doc
or on the Honeywell DocuServer under:
Modem FAQ.doc
TCP/IP Dial-Up via TCP/IP Modem XM500
The Honeywell TCP/IP modem XM500 allows use of a
TCP/IP network (e.g. Ethernet LAN/WAN networks) to
achieve a dial-up connection between an XBS building
supervisor and an Excel 50 controller. The set-up is
identical to that of a telephone modem connection, with the
exception of the additional need for definition of the
Ethernet address.
Details can be obtained from the XM500 Product Data
Documentation on the Honeywell Intranet under:
For communication via the Global System for Mobile com-
munications (GSM), a Siemens M20 Terminal (cellular
engine) is required and must be connected directly to the
serial port of the Excel 50 controller. The M20T translates the
Excel CPU data received in transparent mode into the GSM
standard. The M20T behaves like a Hayes-compatible
modem connected to the Excel controller serial port, and it
then transmits via GSM like a cellular (mobile) phone.
Communication via GSM requires firmware version
V2.3.0 or higher.
With the M20T, data communication is possible only
in 900 MHz GSM networks. GSM networks operating
at 1800 MHz or 1900 MHz are not supported.
The maximum communication speed is determined by the
current GSM standard, which is 9.6 Kbaud. Due to a special
transmission mechanism, the effective communication
throughput is lower than 9.6 Kbaud – however this will be
noticeable only when high data volumes are transmitted, e.g.
when application download is performed.
M20T Safety Precautions
Use of the M20 Terminal on-board aircraft is for-
bidden. Use of a Cellular Engine in an aircraft, such
as for the purpose of wireless connection of an
aircraft-based HVAC system to an XBS central, can
endanger navigation, it interferes with the cellular net-
work, and it is illegal. Failure to comply with this pro-
hibition may lead to temporary suspension or per-
manent cancellation of Cellular Engine services for
the person who disregards this prohibition and/or to
legal action against said person.
Users are advised to NOT use the M20T in auto-
motive service stations.
Users are reminded of the necessity of complying
with restrictions regarding the use of radio devices in
fuel depots, chemical plants, and locations where ex-
plosives are detonated.
Additional precautions are as follows:
When receiving calls on a public highway, such as
a cooling control system of a refrigeration truck
being called by an XBS central, the M20T is not
permitted to use "warning" devices which permit
the vehicle’s horn to sound or the lights to flash.
Drivers are advised not to use the handheld micro-
phone or the telephone handset while their vehicle
is in motion, except in emergencies. Use the
hands-free facility to speak only if it does not divert
your attention from the traffic.
Operation of the M20T can disrupt the operability
of inadequately protected medical devices. Please
address all questions to a doctor or the manu-
facturer of the medical device.
The M20 Terminal shall not be used within wet
environment, such as in public baths.
If your M20 Terminal, your SIM card, or both are
lost, notify your network operator immediately in
order to avoid misuse.
Required Third-Party Equipment
The Siemens M20 Terminal (shown below) is required for
GSM communication. In addition, a 3V Mini SIM card with
personal identification number (PIN) is required for the M20T.
The Mini SIM card, supplied by the GSM Network Provider,
must be released for data communication at 9.6 Kbaud. A
separate telephone number is required for data communi-
cation with the same SIM card (one telephone number for
voice communications and one for data).