Firmware version number 2.01.00 or later supports the
direct connection of modems or ISDN terminal adapters for
communications to up to three remote XBS building super-
XBSi building supervisors are not supported for
remote communication.
Communication via ISDN is applicable only for
Modem Requirements
Modem must support Hayes compatible command set
(not V150 or V151 = Microsoft command set)
Modem must support alpha-numeric return codes
Modem must follow serial baud rate of the CPU
Modem must support auto-bauding (baud rate fall-back)
When carrier detect (connect) is reported, the carrier
must be on simultaneously at both modems (on CPU
side and on XBS side)
use same modem
After a switch-on of the DTR line by the CPU or XBS,
the modem must accept a dial command after 3
Modem must answer AT commands in less than 3
No Set-up for Standard Modem Behavior
If no special modem behavior is required, there is no need
to set up or initialize the modem/ISDN terminal adapter.
The Excel 50 Controller will automatically detect the device
(MMI or modem) attached to the serial port and set the
appropriate communication speed. The controller will also
automatically adapt to alphanumeric return codes used by
the modem. This automatic detection and adjustment can
take up to 5 seconds.
It is highly recommended to use a state-of-the-art
modem and leave it in its factory setting.
Automatic Baudrate Synchronization
The default communication speed between the Excel 50
Controller and the local modem/ISDN terminal adapter is
9.6 Kbaud.
The communication speed between the Excel 50 and XBS
modems/ISDN terminal adapters is automatically syn-
chronized by the two devices to the highest speed that
both of the devices are capable of. This feature is called
autobauding and is provided by all state-of-the-art modems
/ ISDN terminal adapters when left in their factory default
The communication speed between the XBS and its
modem / ISDN terminal adapter is part of the modem set-
up at the XBS.
Auto / Manual Answer Detection
The Excel 50 Controller will automatically detect whether
the modem/ISDN terminal adapter is initialized in auto-
answer or manual answer mode, and it will set the modem
to the manual answer mode (S0=0).
Resetting the Modem
For those cases where it is not clear if the modem to be
used is in its factory setting, the modem can be reset to its
factory setting by using the RESET MODEM command in
the Start-up sequence or through the HW Config. part of
the System Info. sequence on the MMI. This will allow a
quick and easy modem reset without having to run the
modem set-up software or the Windows™ terminal
The RESET MODEM command causes the following com-
mands to be sent to the modem:
ATZ: Executes hardware reset on modem
AT&FX3&W: Resets modem to factory configuration
settings, configures the modem to not wait for the
public phone system dial tone, and writes this to non-
volatile memory.
Set-up for Special Modem Behavior
If special modem/ISDN terminal adapter behavior is re-
quired, the communication device should be set up
according to the instructions provided with it. This typically
involves running a set-up program on a computer with the
device connected to the computer serial port or using the
Windows™ terminal program.
Set-up for In-house Telephone Systems
A common case of special modem behavior is when the
modem is connected to an in-house telephone network re-
quiring a prefix to be dialed before the destination number
to provide access to the public telephone network. There
are two important aspects of the special initialization of the
modem to consider:
Do not wait for the public network dial tone. Typically,
the init command ATX3 will trigger the modem to dial
without waiting for a public network dial tone. Save
this modem set-up in the modem EEPROM with the
command AT&W. Check the modem handbook to
verify the correct commands. Note that these
commands are executed automatically with the
RESET MODEM command in the Excel 50 Controller
Start-up Sequence.
Add the prefix required for accessing the public tele-
phone network to the destination telephone number.
Depending on the in-house telephone system, a
certain prefix may have to be added to the
destination number in the XBS system
configuration/site definition screen before sending
the set-up to the remote Excel 50 controller.