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4. Key assignments for eBrailler Cosmo when not used as a stand-alone
The Keyboard has 8 Braille keys and a space bar. The key left of the space bar is “ALT”
and to the right of the space bar is “CTRL”. Braille Key7 is far left and Braille Key 8 is far
right. The key functions when using the Duxbury Braille Translation application allow
Braille input and use of the function and file commands.
The space bar used with any key is sometimes referred to as a cord key function
5. Basic typewriter functions.
Key 8 ………… carriage return line feed, or enter, used either when inputting to Duxbury
or in stand-alone mode
Key 7 ………… back space, used either when inputting to Duxbury or in stand-alone
Key 1 + space bar … cursor up or line up one line, only used when inputting into Duxbury
Key 4+5+space bar… Tab, only used when inputting into Duxbury.
Key 1+2+space bar … shift tab, only used when inputting into Duxbury
Key 4+space bar … line down, only used when inputting into Duxbury
Key 7+space bar … erase and back space, used When inputting into Duxbury or in stand-
alone mode.
Key 8+space bar … read mode after the user is finished reading, any key pressed brings
paper back in their document and they can continue typing Braille, only used in stand-
alone mode.
Key1+2+3+4+5+6+space bar…. Escape - to main menu, or return to document from main
menu only when inputting to Duxbury.