To avoid any hazard induced by toxicity, flammability and explosiveness
of the process gases used in the tool, be sure to operate the tool
according to the operations safety guidelines supplied by tool suppliers.
Appendix 6 lists typical process gases used in a
semiconductor-processing tool. However, details concerning
the tool gases and other concerns specific to your tool should be
directed to the respective tool suppliers.
Check for gas leaks after installing and maintaining the piping.
Gas leaks will result in the discharge of harmful and dangerous
substances and in abnormal reactions due to the ingress of air
into the pump. When checking for gas leaks by pressurization,
please pressurize by less than 0.05 MPa into the purge port and
do check.
Do not alter the pump member nor change any parts without the
EBARA's consent or approval.
The pump casing and exhaust piping become extremely hot
during operation and for some time after stopping.
Be sure that pump and exhaust piping do not come in contact
with humans or inflammable substances.
Do not remove the pump cover during operation.
Check Safety Interlock functions periodically (every 6 months) to
confirm the interlocks will work correctly.
Disposal of process by-products shall be strictly in accordance
with all local and national environmental and safety regulations.
Disposal of Printed circuit board containing Lithium battery shall
be strictly in accordance with all local and national environmental
and applicable regulations.