EBARA Multi-Stage Dry Vacuum Pumps
Pump Maintenance
Small, Flat Tray ( to place under the pump frame)
Small pan or tray of 15 - 20 liter capacity
Medium ScotchBrite Pad
Polyethylene Bags (4 - 5)
Clean Room Wipes
Nitrile Gloves
Inspection Mirror
Small Pen Flashlight
PTFE Thread Tape
Pen Knife
Face Mask
Channel Locks
Pump Shut-Down
Before attempting to remove the coolers, perform the following shut-down procedure.
1. Turn off the pump.
2. Leave the N
purge on for a minimum of 15 minutes after turning off the pump.
This is to dilute any gasses that could be trapped within the pump.
3. Leave the cooling water flow on for 15 minutes after turning off the pump. This is
to cool both the pump and the coolers.
4. Close the inlet valve (if fitted), or close the gate valve to the process chamber.
5. After 15 minutes, turn off the Nitrogen supply and the cooling water supply.
The coolers will still be warm, and the pump’s exhaust manifold will be very hot.
Use caution when removing the coolers. If possible, use heat-resistant gloves.
Pan or tray should have a 15 to 20 liter capacity.
Removing and Replacing the Cooler Tubes
1. Remove the side panels (if fitted) to expose the coolers.
2. Disconnect the water lines.
3. Place a shallow tray on the bottom of the frame beneath the quick-release
valves. This will catch any loose particles of process chemicals that may emerge
when removing coolers.
4. For each cooler:
5. Loosen the collar clamp using an 11 mm deep socket.
6. Pull the flange towards you. If the flange does not separate, use a plastic mallet
to tap around the flange to separate it from the body of the cooler (canister). If
this fails to separate the flange, then tap a nylon wedge between the flange and
the canister.