Can Xanura be used for health care applications?
Xanura can be applied in professional health care projects in combination with products that have specifically
been developed for these applications. In this way, old and infirm people are given the opportunity to stay at
home longer. Various examples are:
The way to the bathroom is automatically lit up when a person gets out of bed to go to the lavators at night,
and automatically switched off when they go back to bed.
In combination with a community warning system:
- Can act as a welfare detector (or activity detector), for instance when no activities in the home
have been signaled in the control room for four hours. The responsible people can then take action.
- In an emergency, by simply touching for instance a warning device hung around the neck,
a communication line connected to the control room can be activated. The control room
can then automatically unlock the front door of the person concerned.
What can Xanura offer in the area of protection?
With Xanura it is possible to create the impression that the home is being lived in, even
when nobody is at home during short or longer periods. This is accomplished by
switching on and off lighting and other appliances in accordance with preselected
programmes. Needless to say, a varied switching sequence provides a higher level
of protection than a constant sequence. Xanura can also be provided with an alarm
system, a few examples of which are:
When nobody is at home lights switched on and off at various intervals.
When something wrong occurs, all the downstairs lights can be switched
on from one switch in the bedroom.
When outdoor movement is detected, the outdoor lighting is turned
on and, for instance, 10 seconds later the downstairs lighting as well.
When an alarm situation occurs, the lighting both in the home and
outside is switched on in combination with an audible warning.
Does Xanura possess other special characteristics?
Yes. Thanks to the unique operation and technology applied, various special
applications are possible, a few of which are mentioned below.
Lighting located in different places in the home can be switched
on and off by means of the existing switches, no matter to which
group or phase they are connected.
Software associated functions can be allocated to switches in a home and/or be
altered. For instance, a switch in a bedroom can be adapted such that it can also
operate outdoor lighting without the necessity of extra wiring.
A room in a home can be wired up and later extended to suit future requirements.
Wall sockets can be temporarily de-energised, for instance in the children`s bedroom.
A switch can be provided with extra time dependent functions. In this way for instance,
when lights in the corner of the sitting room are switched off after 22.00 hrs., all the other lights
in the room are automatically also switched off. At the same time, those in the hall and on the
landing are switched on.
By providing the wall sockets with time dependent facilities, the washing machine, dryer and dishwasher
can be switched on such that, if applicable, they operate during low tariff hours.
Xanura makes it possible to operate the three positions of the mechanical ventilation system from any
location in the home.