MGR10 A/B/C - Revision : I (for 7.0 software revision)
Filter (Averaging) Group
SENSe:AVERage:STATe <ON|OFF> or <1|0>
Enables or disables the filter (rolling average) facility.
Returns “0” (OFF) or “1” (ON).
SENSe: AVERage:COUNt <No. of readings>
Sets the number of readings to be filtered or averaged (1 - 32).
Returns the number of readings to be filtered (averaged).
The Settling Algorithm is forced OFF when Filter is set to ON.
Open Circuit Voltage Limit Group
SOURce:VOLTage:LIMit:LEVel <OFF|0|20|50>
Sets the open circuit limit to OFF, 20mV or 50mV.
Open Circuit Limits are not available if the 3KOHM or 30KOHM range is selected.
Attempting to set 20mV or 50mV state will generate an “execution error” and the command will
be ignored.
Attempting to set 20mV or 50mV state with AUTO1 or AUTO2 selected will be successful, but
autorange mode will be turned off and the instrument forced to the current manual resistance
The MGR10C does not have this facility, and attempting to set it will generate an “execution
error” and the command will be ignored.
Returns “0” (OFF), “20” (20mV) or “50” (50mV).
The MGR10C does not have this facility, and sending this query will generate a “query error”.