Copyright © 2008 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
IPN 997-00012-56C September 2008
Step 3 - Repeat for other rectifiers or fit blank panels
If not already fitted, fit rectifier blank panels in any vacant rectifier positions.
Procedure complete
Task 2 - Pre-Power-Up Checklist
Complete the checklist to confirm initial work is complete before progressing further.
All cabling is installed, securely tied and correctly insulated
Ground bonding is correct (see details on page
DC output cabling has the correct polarity
A registered electrician or other suitable approved person has checked the integrity of the
installed cabling
All covers are in place and all empty rectifier slots are covered with blanking panels
DC-powered equipment is switched off
All circuit breakers are in the Off (O) position
EPS2/EPS5 is disconnected from the ac supply
The site is clean.
Task 3 - Applying AC Power
A registered electrician (or suitably qualified person) must check the integrity of
the installed cabling, BEFORE the dc power system is powered up.
Switch on the AC supply.
All rectifiers start up (after the startup delay).
The rectifier alarm LEDs will turn on for a short time.
The SC200 or SC100 system controller will turn on (green Power On LED is on) when
the rectifiers start.
During start-up of the system controller the rectifier yellow alarm LEDs will flash
until the rectifiers are registered.