inputs that may be programmed to do a number of functions such as counter(s)
reset, unlatch outputs, program mode lockout, and the batch control start and stop
Relay Output Option Board
Two types of output boards are available for the Eclipse. One is a dual relay as
indicated by the last digit of the part number being a 1, 3, 5, or 7. The other is a single
relay/single transistor as indicated by the last digit of the part number being an A, B,
C, or D. In either case, output 1 is a relay. One of the output option boards is standard
in the batch control unit. Output 1 is dedicated as the batch final output in the batcher.
Output 2 can be programmed to one of the totalizer output functions described
below, or to the batch prewarn or cycle setpoint function. The batch prewarn output is
described on page 5. As a cycle setpoint output, it will turn ON when the cycle count
reaches the cycle preset value, and turn OFF either after a programmable time in the
range of 0.01 to 99.99 seconds elapses, or after an unlatch 2 input occurs. The
unlatch input can be either a control input or a front panel key programmed to unlatch
If the output board is installed in a totalizer base unit, either output can be pro-
grammed to perform one of the following totalizer output functions:
Totalizer setpoint. This option is not available if the totalizer is programmed to
10 digit total. Turns ON when the totalizer counts to a number greater than or
equal to the totalizer preset value. Turns OFF either after a programmable
time in the range of 0.01 to 99.99 seconds elapses, or after an unlatch input
occurs. If the output is programmed to latch (no timeout), the output will be
checked at each input pulse until an unlatch input occurs, even after power
has been cycled OFF and then ON to the unit.
Rate low setpoint. Turns ON when the rate is less than or equal to the rate low
setpoint. However, from a start condition (power up for the totalizer; batch start
for the batcher), the rate reading must first become greater than or equal to
the rate low setpoint before this alarm feature is enabled. Turns OFF after a
programmed timeout in the range of 0.01 to 99.99 seconds, or when an
unlatch input occurs, or when the rate becomes greater than the setpoint
(follows mode). This output is updated each time the rate display updates.
Rate high setpoint. Turns ON when the rate is greater than or equal to the rate
high setpoint. Turns OFF after a programmed timeout, or when an unlatch
input occurs, or when the rate becomes less than the setpoint (follows mode).
Rate low-high setpoint. Turns ON when the rate is less than or equal to the
rate low setpoint, OR is greater than or equal to the rate high setpoint. If the
rate low setpoint is greater than the rate high setpoint, the output will be ON
when the rate is greater than the rate high setpoint AND less than the rate low
setpoint. Follows mode only.