There are four keyboard diagnostic tests, one for each key. The tests are performed
by pressing each key. The unit’s response is maintained as long as the key is held.
Test K e y
U n it R esp o ns e
V iew /E nter
D isplay sho w s softw are re vision n um be r
E d it/R ight A rrow
A ll disp lay segm ents and the pro gram LE D
w ill turn O F F, a nd the analog outp ut w ill go
to m axim um values (20 m A and 10V ).
U p A rrow
E a ch displa y digit w ill tu rn O N , one at
a tim e , and relay 2 w ill turn O N .
D o w n A rro w
E a ch displa y se gm ent of all d igits w ill turn O N ,
one segm ent a t a tim e, an d relay 1 w ill turn O N .
V ie w
E n te r
E d it
S t a r t
To exit the keyboard diagnostic mode, turn unit power off.
Cutout Dimensions: 3.62” W x 1.77” H (92mm x 45mm) DIN standard
Outline Dimensions: 4.04” W x 2.19” H x 3.87” D (103mm x 56mm x 98mm)
3.60” (92mm) maximum depth in panel
Plastic with polyester front label
Up to six de-pluggable terminal blocks
AC Powered Models (57751-4XX)
Input Power:
85-265 VAC, 47-63 Hz, 20 VA
External Fuse: 0.2A, 250 VAC, Time Delay (T200mA, 250V)
Isolation Dielectric Strength:
2300 VAC
DC Powered Models (57750-4XX)
Input Power:
9-30 VDC, 12 VA
External Fuse: 2.0A, 50 VDC, Time Delay (T2A, 50V)
Reverse Voltage Protection: Yes
Isolation Dielectric Strength: 2300 VAC to signal inputs and relays, 500 VAC to
RS 485 and analog outputs
6 digits
.56” high, seven segment, red LED