For more information visit: www.eaton.com
Instruction Booklet
Effective: October 2014
ATC-300/900 40-400A (480/600Vac)
3-Postion Contactor Based Transfer Switch
26J. All Phase Undervoltage and Underfrequency Protection
Adjustable Undervoltage:
Dropout: 78 - 97% of nominal
Pickup: (D2%) to 99% of nominal
Adjustable Underfrequency:
Dropout: 90 - 97% of nominal
Pickup: (D1Hz) to 99% of nominal
26K. All Phase Overvoltage/Overfrequency
Adjustable Overvoltage:
Dropout: 105 - 110% of nominal
Pickup:103% to (Dropout –2%) of nominal
Adjustable Overfrequency:
Dropout: 103 - 105% of nominal
Pickup: 101% to (Dropout -1Hz) of nominal
26L. Source 1 3-Phase Voltage Unbalance
.For a 3-phase wye source, this feature monitors phase
voltage ratios. Voltage unbalance (%) is calculated as the
difference between the maximum and minimum phase
voltage, divided by the minimum phase voltage. User-
selectable setpoints are available for dropout and pickup
unbalance settings (minimum 2% differential). Dropout is
adjustable from 5 to 20%. Pickup is adjustable from 3 to
(Dropout –2%)). A setpoint for user-selectable time delay
from 10 to 30 seconds is provided. The factory default
setpoints are: 5% dropout, 3% pickup, and 30 seconds
time delay. A user-selectable setpoint for enable and dis-
able is also provided.
When an unbalance condition is detected on Source 1, the
Unbalance Timer (TD UNBAL) starts timing. After TD
UNBAL times out, Source 1 is declared “failed”.
For a 3-phase delta source, this feature should be turned
off via the VOLT UNBAL setpoint.
Alternate Transfer Modes of Operation
Provides standard or optional transfer modes, mode selec-
tion devices, and operational methods for ATSs.
29J. Type of Operation (MANTR) Operation (new feature)
This feature provides for a selection between an automatic
transfer and re-transfer mode or a manual pushbutton re-
transfer to Normal from the Emergency Source mode. If
this option is not selected the factory default selection is
Delayed Transition Transfer Modes for Open Transition
Transfer Switches
This feature provides delayed transition transfer modes
for an open transition transfer switch. Often used in sys-
tems with inductive loads, a delayed transition transfer
switch may prevent or reduce in-rush currents due to out
of phase switching of inductive loads.
Pre-Transfer Signal
This feature provides a signal to a remote device prior to a
re-transfer operation. It provides one Form “C” contact
(NO/NC) for interface with other equipment (typically ele-
vator controls). The contacts close/open on a timed basis
prior to transfer in either direction. After TDNE/TDEN
times out, this relay closes and the Pre-transfer Timer
(TPRE) starts timing. After the TPRE times out, the trans-
fer proceeds by starting the TDN timer if enabled. The
pre-transfer relay opens after the transfer is complete.
Adjustable 0 - 120 Seconds
35A. Pre-Transfer Signal with 1 N.O. and 1 N.C. Contacts
This feature provides pre-transfer signal and includes 1
N.O. and 1N.C. contacts.
Emergency Inhibit (new feature)
This feature enables the Emergency inhibit control input to
inhibit transfers to the Emergency Source. See Control
Inputs section for more information.
This input is located on Pins 7 and 8 of Connector J8 and
is enabled when the Emergency Inhibit is enabled. The
contact is closed for normal operation. Opening this con-
tact will activate the Emergency Inhibit input.
If the Emergency Inhibit contact is opened when the load
is connected to the Normal Source, no action will be taken
if the Normal Source is available. If the Normal Source is
not available, an immediate transfer to the neutral position
will occur.
If the Emergency Inhibit contact is opened when the load
is connected to the Emergency Source, the ATC-300+
will transfer the load to the Normal Source if it is available.
If the Normal Source is not available, an immediate trans-
fer to the neutral position will occur.
The Emergency Inhibit input is only active when either
Source 1 or Source 2 is preferred. This input is not active
when the Preferred Source selection is set to None.
The Emergency Inhibit input takes priority over the Go To
Emergency input if both inputs are activated at the same
time. In this case, the generator will start but a transfer to
the Emergency Source will be inhibited until the Emer-
gency Inhibit input is de-activated.
Seismic Withstand Capability
Provides transfer switch with seismic capability exceeding
the worst case Zone 4 required per both the Uniform
Building Code and the California Building Code.
48F. RS-485 with Modbus Option
Provides communications for the ATC-300+ via Modbus
through an integrated RS-485 port. Registers are available
to read back status, voltages, frequencies, and historical
data. Registers are also available for transfer switch con-
trol. Setpoints may be read back and/or programmed via a
pass-through command. See the ATC-300+ Modbus
Communication Guide pn: 66A7787.