DRSSTC Instruction Manual
December 2019, REV -
− 39 −
1.3 DRSSTC Instruction Manual
Using an IPAD as MIDI Playback Device
To date, we have learned that there are several IPAD to MIDI interfaces available on the
market. Although these devices look promising, we have not yet tested the compatibility
of those interfaces with the Plasmasonic DRSSTC system and cannot provide a
Compatible MIDI Files
We have several examples of Plasmasonic compatiable MIDI files available as free
downloads on our Plasmasonic DRSSTC ordering page on our website.
Creating MIDI Files
We will not cover the specifics of how to create and edit MIDI files for your Plasmasonic
DRSSTC system here, but will cover some basics which should be followed when
creating and editing your own MIDI files.
Download MIDI Files from the internet – There are literally millions of them for
almost any piece of music you can think of !
Download Anvil Studio Pro and purchase the Combo Package 1 for $59.99. This
will provide you a very inexpensive way of editing your own MIDI files. The
free version of Anvil Studio Pro is also an alternative, but it is difficult as you can
only view one channel at a time using the free version of the software package.
(Please note that Eastern Voltage Research is in no way affiliated with Anvil
Studio Pro and our recommendation is for convenience only.)
If you are using a single Tesla Coil for playback, you will only want to use a
single track of audio. For dual Tesla Coils, you will want to have two playback
tracks – one for each MIDI channel.
Use multiple notes sparingly. Although the handheld controller can decode and
playback up to three (3) notes simultaneously, multiple notes does increase the
power output and duty cycle of the system considerable and may blow the input
Transpose the musical piece to the lowest frequency possible. Not only is lower
frequencies more pleasing to the ear, it also reduces power consumption of the
system and places less stress on all the components. High notes operate at
relatively high duty cycles and place greater stress on the various components.
If using dual channels, try keeping the high frequency or melody notes on one
channel, and the bass tones on the other channel.
When testing MIDI files, the best way is to test them first on the laptop computer.
When ready to test them using a Plasmasonic, simply keep the Pulsewidth ADJ to
a minimum (almost to the point where you can’t even see an output arc, but still
hear audio), just to hear the tones and hear that they are playing back properly.