DRSSTC Instruction Manual
December 2019, REV -
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1.3 DRSSTC Instruction Manual
8. Using a 2-3” length piece of copper bus wire, create a break-out point as
shown in Figure 8 below. Use either masking tape or adhesive aluminum tape to
secure the copper bus wire to the toroid. Do NOT use steel wire (i.e. paper clip,
etc…) as a break-out point. The steel wire will heat up excessively during
operation and put a blemish on the toroid. Copper bus wire was provided as part
of your kit. The leftmost configuration can be made by using a stiff piece of
buswire or aluminum rod (i.e 0.062” thick) and secured using the nylon nut to
hold in place. The rightmost configuration can be made by using a a short piece
of buswire and securing to the top of the toroid using adhesive aluminum tape.
Figure 8 – Recommended break-out point configurations
NEVER operate the Plasmasonic DRSSTC Tesla Coil without a break-out point
installed. Failure due to use a break-out point may cause failure of the Plasmasonic
DRSSTC Tesla Coil.
Note: The standard configuration provides an arc that propagates in a relatively
vertical direction. We recommend this break-out point configuration for all
operational scenarios including musical playback through the MIDI interface. As
always, special care must be taken at all times to ensure that arcs do not contact
the base of the assembly. A grounded strike rail above the primary coil is utilized
to prevent arcs from striking the electronics in the lower base assembly, but this
cannot be guaranteed. So anytime you start to see arcs striking close the bottom
assembly, it is recommended that you adjust the position of the break-out point or
add an external strike target to draw arcs away from the base assembly.