DRSSTC Instruction Manual
December 2019, REV -
− 30 −
1.3 DRSSTC Instruction Manual
If at anytime, you begin to see arcs striking the primary strike rail or close the
bottom base assembly components, turn off the Plasmasonic system and reposition
the break-out point or strike target to ensure that arcs do not strike the bottom base
assembly components.
13. At this point, you can also start varying the Pulse Repetition Frequency, PRF,
of the Tesla coil. As you increase the PRF using the Frequency ADJ knob on the
handheld controller, you will hear an increase in frequency, and the amount of
arcs produced per second will increase. The approximate range of the Frequency
ADJ is 50 Hz through 250 Hz. We strongly recommend that for most
applications, PRF is kept to 50% of less as higher PRFs will result in increased
heating and stress of components and potentially reduce the overall reliability of
the system.
It is strongly recommended to operate your Plasmasonic at the lowest PW and PRF
possible to achieve the desired effect you are looking for this. This will keep power
consumption to a minimum, reduce heating of components, and ultimately increase
the overall reliability of the system.
14. To turn off your Plasmasonic DRSSTC system, simply turn the Pulsewidth
ADJ knob on the handheld controller all the way counterclockwise to the left to
zero. The arc should completely disappear at this point.
15. Turn the handheld controller OFF by switching the enable switch to the OFF