Phone:(910) 392
Fax: (910) 392
416 Landmark Drive
Wilmington, NC 28412
A er correctly entering your username and password, you will be logged on to the system.
Please note that the HMI security system is con
gured to me out a er 10 minutes of inac vi
ty, at which me you will be required to login again. You will also be required to login any
me the HMI unit is powered up.
Changing Your Password
The password
based security system of your HMI was designed to have a similar look and feel
to computer
based security systems commonly encountered on a PC. It is recommended to
change your password for security purposes, upon entering your system, however it is im
portant to remember your password and to write it down and store it in a secure place, as
once the password has been changed, the new password is required to operate the Centri
Flow® HMI.
From the Top Menu Page, Click the
“Preferences” bu on. You will now be on the
TOP.PRF (Preferences) page (seen on right). Click
on the “Security Se ngs” bu on to go to the
change the Admin password. The “ENTER NEW
PASSWORD” dialog box (shown below) will ap
pear. You may now type in the new password.
Again, you may click the “Symbol” bu on to use
numeric characters. You will then be prompted
to repeat the new password. The password
should now be successfully changed.