open the hoo k cover .
Ope n the hinged latc h of bobbin c ase an d take
it out of the mac hine .
Raise the needle to its highe st
position and
When caring for your machine, or cleaning it, unthread it and disconnect the presser,
even when y ou change the needle.
Di sma n t ling a nd A ss e m b li ng Ho ok Rac e
Open the hook race ring holders
and remove the hook race ring.
Disconnect your machine from the power souce
R e mo ve t he hook.
* Clean the hook race with a
brush and a soft dry cloth.
Hold the hook by the center pin and fit it carefully back into the hook race,
forming a perfect circle with the shutt le driver.
Attach the hook race ring
ma king s ure bot tom pin f its into the no tch. Loc k the hook rac e ring by
turning the holders back into position. Insert the bobbin case. Thread the
machine and bobbin, connect the machine to the power point and sew after
switching on the machine.
TO dismantle hood race:
To assemble ho ok rac e:
Remove the needle and the presser
Unscrew the needle plate set screws
and remove the needle plate.
tighten sc rews
With a brush, clean out dust and lint
clogging on the feed dog teeth.
Replace the needle plate.
Cle an ing the Fe ed Do gs
Fi tt ed in th e ma ch ine .
NOTE: It is easier if you lay the machine on its back to replace the race.
Oil with one
drop of oil.
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