d. Scale always shows previously set Peak Hold. Using [TARE] & [Zero]
keys select HLd-y, HLd-n or HLd-P.
e. Press [M] key to confirm the selection
f. Use [FUNC] key to escape from selection
Note: Pressing [FUNC] key it should back to Peak Hold. If without selection
escaped out then scale will work on previous setting.
8. Auto Sleep Time [A-SLP] -
The scale have auto sleep time bfunction as
explained below.
User will be able to set sleep time from 01 to 99 min i.e. when scale is in
zero mode up to set time limit then scale will go in sleep mode displaying
only last digit’s as 0 [ 0]
Note: if set sleep time set is 00min then scale will not go in sleep mode.
To set Auto Sleep Time:
a. Enter in to User Parameter Setting Mode
b. using [TARE] & [ZERO] keys select Auto Sleep Time
c. Press [M] key to select Auto Tare
d. Scale always shows previously set Auto Sleep Time. Using [TARE] for
DECREASE, [ZERO] for INCREASE and [N/G] key for SHIFT can
change the Sleep time.
e. Press [M] key to confirm the selection
f. Use [FUNC] key to escape from selection
Note: Pressing [FUNC] key scale will go back to Auto Sleep Time. If without
confirming escaped out then scale will work on previous set sleep time.
9. Zero Locking [Zr-Loc] -
The Scale have zero locking as explained.
User will be able to select from 01 to 99 count locking. Set value xx
means - number xx divisions of locking.
e.g. if you have selected 10 and the scale is having division of 500 mg the
zero locking will be up to 5g (10 steps of division) and if the division is 2g
then the zero locking will be up to 20 g.
Survey No. 28/1, Damodar Nagar, Kharadi, Pune - 411014. Tel : + 91 - 20 30418100 / 110,
Fax : + 91 - 20 - 30418126. Email : [email protected]