SLB-Series User Manual
Preparing for Testing
Open the DataView Software.
Next, you will connect the Com Terminal to the PC using the provided RS-232-to-USB.
Windows may auto install drivers for the device depending on your OS version and security
settings. To verify if the drivers have successfully installed go to Start < Device Manager. In
Device Manager, if the drivers are installed the Com Terminal will appear under Ports as a USB
Serial Port with an assigned com number. In our example the assigned com is 6. Note: Your
device assigned Com Port may be different.
A simple method to determine if the device is on this list is to unplug the USB cord from the PC
and then plug it back in. It will disappear & then reappear in the device list. If the device did not
properly install (it’s not listed in the ports or does not have an assigned port number) you will
have to manually install the drivers. When you locate where the driver is right click and select
update drivers.
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