European Safety Systems Ltd.
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Document No. D191-00-601-IS Issue 1 20-03-2020 Sheet 2 of 8
Zone 21
Explosive dust air mixture likely to occur in
normal operation.
Zone 22
Explosive dust air mixture not likely to occur
in normal operation, and if it does, it will only
exist for a short time.
Gas Groupings:
Group IIA Propane
Group IIB
Group IIC
Hydrogen and Acetylene
Temperature Classification:
T1 450ºC
T2 300ºC
T3 200ºC
D1xB2X15DC up to 80°C ambient
T4 135ºC
D1xB2X05DC & D1xB2X10DC up
to 80°C ambient, D1xB2X15DC up
to 65°C ambient
T5 100ºC
D1xB2X05DC up to 75°C ambient,
D1xB2X10DC up to 45°C ambient
T6 85ºC
D1xB2X05DC up to 60°C ambient
Dust Groupings:
Group IIIA
Combustible Flyings
Group IIIB
Non-conductive Dust
Group IIIC
Conductive Dust
Maximum Surface Temperature for Dust Applications:
Equipment Category:
2G / 2D
Equipment Protection Level:
Gb, Gc, Db, Dc
Ambient Temperature Range:
-55°C to +80°C
(D1xB2X05DC, D1xB2X10DC, D1xB2X15DC)
The certification approval has validated continuous use up to
38°C ambient and are for transient use up to 80°C ambient.
2.7 Ingress Protection Ratings
The product is rated for ingress Protection as follows:
per EN60529:
Suitable for exposure to Acetone , Ammonium Hydroxide ,
Diethyl Ether , Ethyl Acetate , Ethylene Dichloride , Furfural,
n-hexane , Methyl Ethyl Ketone , Methanol , 2-NitroPropane
and Toluene.
To maintain the ingress protection rating, the cable entries
must be fitted with suitably rated, certified cable entry and/or
blanking devices during installation.
2.8 Electrical Ratings
It is important that a suitable power supply is used to run the
equipment. The power supply selected must have the
necessary capacity to provide the input current to all the units.
Rated at 1Hz
Table 1: Electrical Ratings
The input current will vary according to the voltage input level.
3) Special Conditions of Use
The enclosure coating is non-conductive and may generate an
ignition-capable level of electrostatic charges under certain
extreme conditions. The user should ensure that the
equipment is not installed in a location where it may be
subjected to external conditions (such as high pressure steam)
which might cause a build-up of electrostatic charges on non-
conducting surfaces. Additionally, cleaning of the equipment
should be done only with a damp cloth.
Flame Path Positions
4) Installation
There are no restrictions on unit orientation.
The junction box must only be installed by suitably qualified
personnel in accordance with the latest issues of the relevant
EN60079-14 / IEC60079-14: Explosive atmospheres -
Electrical installations design, selection and erection
EN60079-10-1 / IEC60079-10-1: Explosive atmospheres -
Classification of areas. Explosive gas atmospheres
EN60079-10-2 / IEC60079-10-2: Explosive atmospheres -
Classification of areas. Explosive dust atmospheres
The installation of the units must also be in accordance with
any local codes that may apply and should only be carried out
by a competent electrical engineer who has the necessary
4.1 Safe Installation Requirements
To maintain the ingress protection rating and mode of
protection, the cable entries must be fitted with suitably
certified cable entry and/or blanking devices during
installation. If conduit is used for installation, seal conduit
within 18 inches from the enclosure.
D1xB2X05DC024 24Vdc 20-28Vdc
D1xB2X10DC024 24Vdc 20-28Vdc
D1xB2X15DC024 24Vdc 20-28Vdc
Flame Path internal thread on
base shown hatched
Cemented Joint
between glass
dome and metal
casting on lid
shown hatched
Flame Path
external thread
on lid shown