E-flite Jenny JN-4 Slow Flyer ARF Assembly Manual
6. When installing the rigging from the bottom of the
outer strut, the rigging will pass through holes in the
cabane struts as shown.
7. Complete the rigging installation because it looks great
and adds realism to your model.
Control Throws
1. Turn on the transmitter and receiver of your aircraft.
Check the movement of the rudder using the transmitter.
When the stick is moved right, the rudder should also
move right. Reverse the direction of the servo at the
transmitter if necessary.
2. Check the movement of the elevator with the radio
system. Moving the elevator stick down will make the
airplane elevator move up.
High Rate: 1
-inch (32mm) up/down
Low Rate: 7/8-inch (22mm) up/down
High Rate: 2-inch (51mm) left/right
Low Rate: 1
-inch (38mm) left/right