Beechcraft Bonanza 15e ARF Assembly Manual
Step 4
Use a 5/64-inch drill bit in a pin vise to enlarge the
outer hole in the servo arm.
Step 5
Use a ruler to measure the midpoint of the servo
cutout on the outside of the aileron servo hatch and
make a mark with a felt-tipped pen.
Step 6
Hold the servo parallel to the cutout against the
inside of the aileron hatch approximately as shown.
Step 7
Adjust the position of the servo so that the output
shaft is centered on the mark made in step 5, and
the lower surface of the servo arm is 1/8-inch from
the edge of the cutout in the hatch.
Step 8
Use a pencil to mark the servo location on the inside
of the hatch. These marks will guide the installation
of the mounting blocks.
Step 9
Mix a small amount of 12-minute epoxy and glue
the mounting blocks to the inside of the hatch at the
marked locations.