6.8Connect the drive and put it into operation
The safety instructions and regulations at the beginning of this manual must be
followed. Before commissioning make sure these instructions and regulations were
implemented. Otherwise commissioning is not allowed.
Once you have made sure that all the instructions and regulations are implemented and the
entire system is assembled and installed without error, the drive can be connected to the
mains supply.
If the safety devices are not correctly set, there is a risk of serious or fatal injuries,
particularly for young children.
· Incorrect setting of the end positions can interfere with the proper operation of the obstacle
· Incorrectly set limit positions can injure people and damage vehicles.
· If adjustments to the end positions must be made, the obstacle detection function is to
be checked.
· The emergency release may be triggered only when the door is closed. With the door
open this may be done only in extreme circumstances.
· If the emergence release is activated when the door is open, and the springs are too
weak or defective there is a danger when closing, that the door closes on its own
and causes considerable injuries and/or property damage.
· Make sure that the door is balanced correctly. Consult the door manual if necessary.
· If in doubt, have the door and the springs checked by an authorised service for
garage doors for defects and replace faulty or defective parts if necessary.
To prevent damage to vehicles, the end position for the open door in a totally open
position must be set. The garage door controller is equipped with electronic controls that
adjustments can be made easily and simply. The drive stops when opening if the door is
blocked. If the door hits an obstacle while closing, the drive moves the door in the opposite
direction (obstacle detection).
Make sure that a swing door at the end position
for "Open" is not too far towards the rear or inclined
downward (see figure.) This can cause unwanted
"judder" when opening and closing