hIgh VolT ModalITy InforMaTIon
High Volt
Modality Information
High Voltage pulsed stimulation is a pulsed DC current with
pulse durations in the microsecond range and pulse rates ranging
from 1 to 200 Hz, with a peak amplitude of up to 1.0 A utilizing a
twin-peak monophasic waveform.
The Dynatron Solaris Plus High Volt treatment setup uses
a dedicated channel. Each treatment utilizes the single HV
channel with one or more active electrodes and a large dispersive
electrode. Electrodes are placed on opposite sides of the
affected area so treatment is “through” the affected area. The
optional Dynatron MultiStim probe is available to accommodate a
hand-held treatment delivery.
High Volt Waveform
The High Volt waveform is a twin-peak monophasic decaying waveform with either positive or negative polarity.
High Volt Settings
High and Low Sweep Pulse Rate. The user may select High (80-120 Hz) or Low (1-10 Hz) frequency ranges. During a
treatment, the device scans through the range of frequencies selected. The settings for these pulse rate frequency ranges may
be customized and saved by the user. The available custom range is 1 to 200 Hz.
Continuous Pulse Rate. The pulse rate may be set to a single continuous pulse rate instead of a range. The pulse rate is
selected from a range of 1 to 200 Hz.
Selectable Polarity. Positive or Negative monophasic current may be selected. Alternating positive and negative (Bipolar)
currents may also be selected. Note: Dual Polarity is not available with a probe treatment.
High Volt Waveform for positive polarity