bIPhasIC / russIan InsTruCTIons
Biphasic / Russian
In the Russian and Biphasic Stimulation modes the output of the device is a pulsed sinusoidal wave. 25 Series allows the
operator to choose a muscle contraction/rest cycle that is most suited for the individual patient and for the desired treatment.
Once the cycle is chosen, each muscle-stimulating burst is followed by a rest cycle. See “Russian/Biphasic Parameters” in this
manual for further discussion of pulse rate and duration, and illustrations showing the segments of the Russian Stimulation
cycle and the Biphasic Stimulation cycle.
25 Series provides four treatment options in Russian and Biphasic Stimulation: Normal, Reciprocal, Co-Contraction, and
Custom. After deciding which treatment is to be used, attach the appropriate number of leads required to set up the treatment.
NORMAL: Use one channel with one lead wire (two electrodes). Place the electrodes so as to treat through the muscle. The
contraction/rest cycle is selected from an option list of 10/10, 10/30, 10/50, CONT (continuous/no rest cycle), and Custom.
Each time period is indicated in seconds. For example, 10/30 indicates 10 seconds of stimulation with 30 seconds of rest. The
continuous duty cycle is not recommended for electrical muscle stimulation, but may be used for settings that are intended
to effect results other than a muscle contraction.
CO-CONTRACTION: Use two channels and two lead wires (four-electrodes) for this treatment. Each pair of electrodes is
placed over a different muscle group. This treatment fires the two muscle groups simultaneously—contraction and rest cycles
for both treatment areas occur at the same time. Two channels are required (1-2 or 3-4). Note: 3-4 are available only on the
25 Series 625 and 925.
RECIPROCAL: Use two channels and two lead wires (four electrodes) for this treatment. The reciprocal muscle stimulation
fires two muscle groups (such as reciprocal flexors/extensors) one after the other. For example, with a duty cycle of 10/30, the
device would deliver stimulation for 10 seconds to the first muscle, followed by 10 seconds of stimulation to the reciprocal
muscle. A 30-second rest time follows each stimulation. The timing of the two cycles will overlap (the first muscle group is
stimulated after a 30-second rest, even though the second muscle group is 20 seconds into its rest cycle). The Continuous
contraction/rest cycle is not available for Reciprocal treatments. Two channels are required (1-2 or 3-4). Note: 3-4 are available
only on the 25 Series 625 and 925.
CUSTOM CONTRACTION: The Custom Contraction/Rest cycle feature allows the treatment to be customized by selecting
from a Custom Contraction ON time (1 to 60 seconds), and an OFF time (1 to 90 seconds). Treatments can be customized
by using the following steps: