Maintenance - Every 2,000 hours
Check the air conditioning (if equipped)
Park the roller on a level surface.
When checking and adjusting the machine,
always turn off the engine and make sure the
forward/backward lever is in the "P" position.
Use compressed air to clean the dust off the condenser
element (1). Clean from upwards to downwards.
Do not use compressed air blows with too much
power, otherwise the element fins can be damaged.
Always use protective goggles when working
with compressed air.
Check if the condenser element is well secured.
Also check if the system hoses are not in contact with other
Check if there are no draining obstructions on the coolant unit.
There is a risk of condensation being accumulated inside the
Check the air conditioning draining filter (if
With the roller operating, use the sight glass (1) to check if there
are bubbles on the drying filter.
The filter is located on the upper rear of the cab's roof.
If there are visible bubbles, it means that the coolant level is too
low. Turn off the machine to prevent damage and fill with
coolant until it reaches the correct level.
Only authorized people/companies can carry
out works on the coolant circuit.
Fig. - Cab
1. Condenser element
2. Drying filter
– Drying filter
1. Sight glass
2. Filter holder