Drive Control Input (DCI) and OBC Connections
The DX-GB provides support for an On-board Battery
Charger (OBC), an ‘inhibit’, and a ‘speed limit’
function (either digital or analog) through the Drive
Control Input (DCI) socket as shown to the right. The
On-board Battery Charger supports up to 12 Amperes
(RMS) directly through the connector.
The DCI allows the powerchair speed and
configuration to be adjusted depending on the
resistance of the DCI “Loop”.
- Prevents the powerchair from driving,
typically when the chair is being charged, or
when a seat is raised or tilted.
Speed Limit – Digital mode
- Automatically
limits drive speed to a pre-programmed
value, typically when a seat is raised or tilted and driving too fast may be
dangerous. The value to which it slows down is programmable.
Speed Limit – Analog mode
- Automatically limits the drive speed to a
value proportional to the resistance of the DCI Loop. For example, the
further a seat is tilted the slower the chair will drive.
To determine the function of the DCI, an appropriate resistance must be placed
across the DCI Input pin and the Battery Negative pin. Depending on the resistance
value, the DX-GB will inhibit or limit the chair speed.
The switch configuration must ensure that driving is inhibited when
the chair is being charged.
The On-board Battery Charger (OBC) must have a normally closed
Inhibit output. If the OBC has a normally open Inhibit output, connect
this to the Inhibit pin of the OBC/DCI connector instead. Check your
OBC documentation for product specifications.
If the DCI/OBC connector is not used, a blanking plate must be
fitted. Use the DX-GB Connector Cover Plate, Part/Order Number
Programming note:
The DCI function can be enabled and disabled. If disabled, the DCI
connector can be left un-terminated and the chair will drive