Health Benefits Include, But Are Not Limited To:
*Pain relief from Rheumatoid Arthritis
*Relaxes muscle spasms
*Increases blood circulation
*Cardiovascular conditioning
*Clears rashes, acne
*Reduces cellulite
*Removes toxins and mineral waste
*Reduces stress and fatigue
*Enhances skin tone
The infrared rays emitted by your sauna are reported to offer a wide range of possible
therapeutic benefits based on research completed over the last 40 years from all around
the world. These benefits are presented for reference purposes only and no implication of
infrared saunas creating a cure for or treating any disease is implied nor should it be
inferred. If you have a medical/health condition, are taking prescription drugs, or have
acute joint injuries, please consult with your medical physician before using the sauna.
Persons with surgical implants (metal pins/rods, artificial joints, silicone, or other types of
surgical implants) typically do not experience any adverse effects, but should also consult
their medical physician or surgeon before using the sauna room.
What are electric and magnetic fields?
Electric and magnetic fields are a basic force of nature (like gravity), generated by
electricity. They are found almost everywhere. Electric and magnetic fields are found in
nature, where they are created by such things as lightning and static electricity. Manmade
fields are found wherever people use electricity, such as near powerlines and electrical
appliances. Like sound, electric and magnetic fields are made of a mixture of components
and so can be described in many different ways. Both have wave-like properties
such as strength and “frequency” (how often they cycle back and forth). Sound can be
loud (strong) or soft (weak), high or low pitched (different frequencies), suddenly loud or
constant in tone, and pure or jarring. Similarly, electric and magnetic fields are a mixture
of components. They can be strong or weak, have a high or low frequency, have sudden
increases in strength (“transients”) or a constant strength, and consist of one pure
or several (called “harmonics”). For example, the
of a field can be weak
and constant, as in most nighttime home environments, or it can be strong and vary from
high to low every few seconds, as from an electric blanket set on high. Powerlines and
wiring in buildings and appliances generate 50 and 60 Hertz fields, sometimes referred to
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