already removed). If you touch the heat emitter panel and it is warm-to-hot,
then it is working correctly. If you are able to place your hand on the back
side of the heat emitter and it feels like there is no heat being produced, then
we know it is not working properly and you will need to contact Customer
Service. You can also check the floor heat emitter by touching the heat
with your finger
You will need to remove the wood grade
cover to get a true feeling of the heat from the floor heat emitter.
Please do
keep in mind that the bench heat emitter and floor heat emitter only keep the
area below the bench warm as heat always rises. The majority of heat is
concentrated above the bench. You can use a towel to drape over your legs
to trap the heat as it rises if your lower extremities feel a draft.
11. Intentional Rear Wall Warp
The rear wall panel is intentionally warped as part of the sauna
design. This adds strength to the sauna structure once the unit is assembled.
Please try the following in assembling the sauna. With one person inside the
sauna room and pushing on the rear wall panel outward, a second person
should be able to latch the buckles. Make sure that the wall is fitting together
like a puzzle as one wall panel fits into the other. Work your way down from
top to bottom.
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