Up to five DPC 8120 CALL STATION EXTENSIONS can be connected to a
PMX-CSK CALL STATION KIT. The call station extension provides 20 freely
programmable function or zone keys having a green and yellow LED each.
CALL STATION EXTENSIONS are employed whenever a higher amount than
15 lines need to be accessed and when all stations kits can be connected or
when an installation‘s requirement of group and special function keys
exceeds the existing amount of selection keys. The call station extension has
a provision of Key labeling.
Illustration 4-2: DPC 8120
Disconnect the call station kit
Put the call station Kit and call station extension side by
side. The CN200 Call station Kit extension connection must be
used to connect a DPC 8120 to the call station kit.
Connect the CN200 output to the EXT port of the call
station extension using the connection wire (3) w h i c h
c o m e s w i t h t h e c a l l s t a t i o n k i t e x t e n s i o n .
(the connector has to snap into the port)
Assign a unique address to each call station extension using the
EXTENSION ADDRESS dip switch. For settings, please refer the Call station
extension manual
HINT: If more than one call station extensions are used, ascending
EXTENSION addresses (1...5) must be assigned from left to right.
Reconnect call station kit
Configure call station extension using IRIS-Net PC software
HINT: If a DPC 8120 is replaced the same extension ADDRESS must be
assigned to the new DPC 8120.