Operation mode (default configuration)
Setup mode
Selection inputs
The 15 switch inputs with corresponding (green /
yellow) LED outputs are used to pre-select areas or
groups for the reproduction of messages, chime or
alarm signals, vocal messages, or to assign programs
(close this input once = on, subsequently closing again
= off). The Sx_LED outputs indicate the momentary
selection status. It is also possible to assign special
functions or no function at all (no function assigned) to
those inputs. Assigning functions is performed during
the configuration procedure via IRIS-Net..
Enter the corresponding
number of the input.
The user can launch calls or announcements into freely selectable areas
or groups.
Activating a single or several selection inputs defines areas or groups where
a call is launched into – corresponding green LEDs outputs will b e s e t . By
activating the key input of an already pre-selected line once again
deactivates that line and the corresponding green LED output goes off. If
the S x _ LED (yellow LED) output belonging to a Sx_K input (selection)
contact is activated, the corresponding area or group is busy.
After making a selection, activating the enter input ignites the call. Prior
hereto, the c o r r e s p o n d i n g LED output allows checking whether all
lines and the call station kit input are actually free. If single lines or the
terminal input are busy with lower priority transmissions, the enter (return)
LED will be toggle slowly. Whilst making an announcement is possible, this
will interrupt any other transmitted event. If single lines or the terminal
input are busy with higher priority signals, the enter LED output will t o g g l e
f ast and the calling attempt is ignored.
The enter LED output is stable on during the transmission of an
announcement. The enter input has to be closed during the whole
The enter LED output starts toggling during an announcement when one or several
areas are busy and / or when an event with a higher priority interrupts
the announcement. In those cases it is necessary to repeat the
Until the user makes any changes, the defined selection stays
memorized, even after deactivating the enter connection. Closing t h e DEL
button two times deselects the entire selection.
The announcement is launched into all areas of the entire installation.
The procedure is similar to making a selective call. First, all areas of the
installation are selected by activating the DEL input. Activating the e n t e r
input activates the collective call.
During the transmission of a call, all area and/or group LED outputs as well as
the DEL LED output will be activated. The enter input has to be activated until
the end of the announcement. Busy LED output activation is equivalent to the
selective call