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Alternate Feedpoint Connection
If not using the VFCC, the customer will have to make a secure and positive connection from the
coax to the feedline connection on the antenna base and a connection to the Radial Plate. A
double SO-239 Bulkhead Mount and a
Feedpoint Wire Connector Assembly should be used.
Using the SecureMount
Bulkhead Connector and the Feedpoint Wire Assembly
Tuning the Vertical Antenna System
Tuning the DXE 40/30 Meter Vertical Antenna is accomplished by adjusting the length from the
bottom of the vertical antenna to the bottom of the 30 meter trap for the 30 meter band. Then adjust
the height from the top of the 30 meter trap to the top of the vertical antenna for the 40 meter band.
Adjustments may interact, and you may have to try various positions until you get the desired
tuning accomplished.
Guying a Vertical Antenna System
Guying of vertical antennas is always recommended for stability. However, if your area encounters
severe wind velocities or icing conditions, simple guying will reduce the possibility of failure.
Using the
kits, you can install four guy ropes starting approximately 1/2 the way up the
vertical antenna system to ground level. Guying should be tightened just enough to permit the
antenna to swing a few inches. The ends of the ropes are tied to the earth anchors that are screwed
into the ground at about the same angle as the ropes will be. When using the Tilt Base, position the