S e t u p > V i d e o > C o l o r S e t t i n g s
U s e t h e c o l o r s e t t i n g s m e n u t o a d j u s t t h e c a m e r a t o i t s u n i q u e l i g h t i n g
e n v i r o n m e n t a n d t o g e t t h e b e s t i m a g e q u a l i t y .
Auto Exposure
: Set Brightness, Shutter Mode, Digital Slow Shutter Speed, AGC, BLC, & WDR.
HLM [Highlight Mode]- Masks highlights for objects to appear clearly on the screen.
BLC [Backlight Compensation]-
This setup option allows you to adjust the camera’s capture of
light when there is strong backlight in the camera’s Field of View [FoV].
WDR [Wide Dynamic Range]- the Wide Dynamic Range is used when there are extremely bright
and extremely dark areas in the FoV of the camera. If WDR is selected, select the WDR level
from: Low, Middle, High. Default is Middle.
(These features are available only when Auto Exposure is set to Auto mode).
Day & Night Settings
: control the
camera’s Day & Night Mode.
Day & Night- Set mode to Night (B/W),
Day (Color), or Auto.
Threshold- If Auto is selected, adjust the
Threshold value. This value determines
when the camera switches from color to
B/W and vice versa. The higher the
number, the brighter the scene will be
before switching between Color and B/W.
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[Manual Exposure Settings]
[Day & Night Settings]