In this case, follows these steps:
click on the button “Recover” to remove the address of
each ballast for which the mapping procedure has not
been successfully completed
address again the ballasts without address selecting
as starting address a free value followed by a suffi-
cient number of free addresses (see the Status TAB)
execute again the mapping procedure
The correctness of the changes made can be checked by
switching on and off the ballasts using the buttons identified
as 0 (off) and I (on).
The two big buttons 0 and I on the left side allow to switch
off and to switch on all the ballasts connected to the line.
The buttons Select (select all) and Deselect (deselect all)
and Reset (restore the address value in the consecutive or-
der) complete this TAB.
This TAB, Figure 4, features a grid where each ballast can
be assigned to one or more groups. This choice can be
done by clicking on each cell located at the intersection
between the desired ballast (the columns) and the desired
group (the rows).A X symbol will be shown in the related
In the example of the figure
here on the right side, the
group 1 contains the ballasts
1-2-5, the group 2 the bal-
lasts 1-3 and the group 3 the
ballasts 2-4-5.
The button Deselect remove all the X symbols on the grid.
The execution of the assignment of the groups (clicking on
the button Start) will take in account only the ballast selec-
ted by the X symbol. A timer icon will inform that the opera-
tion is running. At the end of the procedure, the normal
mouse icon will be restored.
If the procedure has not been successfully executed, the
warning in following window will be shown:
In this case the procedure has to be repeated.
The correctness of the changes made can be checked by
switching on and off the ballasts using the buttons identified
as 0 (off) and I (on); the buttons on the top side act on the
single ballast, the buttons on the left side act on the groups
and the two big buttons 0 and I switch off and on all the bal-
last on the line.
The buttons From File and To File allow to store and recall
the settings of the groups; take in account that it is not pos-
sible to read, from DFDALI module, the current settings of
the groups, therefore it is strongly recommended to save
them into a file for future modifications.
The time required by this procedure is about:
T = 8sec + (0,5sec x “nr. of X in the window”)
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Tel. 02/57300377 - Fax 02/55213686 –
Rel.: 2.1 May 2013
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Figure 4: Groups