Automatic brightness regulation
DFDALI module, starting from firmware version2.0, imple-
ments the automatic brightness regulation as function of a
light sensor connected to the
bus (e.g. DFLUX).
The TAB shown in Figure 8 allow to manage up to 8 zones
(each one corresponding to a group in the range 1 to 8).
These functions are managed directly by DFDALI module,
therefore no controller or specific programming is required.
To fill the table, double left click in the cell related to the
zone to be set in the Sensor Address column, enter the ad-
dress of the light sensor (e.g. DFLUX module) for that zone
and press Enter. The cell related to Setpoint will be then
automatically highlighted: enter the desired value and press
Enter. The sequence is the same also for the next paramet-
ers: Hysteresis, T. Regulation, K and Start Value.
Setpoint is the brightness level that has to be kept. The
regulation function works in order to keep the light value
read from the sensor in the range (setpoint - hysteresis) to
(se hysteresis).
The regulation time, in seconds, is the interval with which
the module compares the light level read by the sensor to
the setpoint.
K is a parameter which, multiplied by the error (defined as
the difference between the setpoint and the brightness
value measured by the sensor), defines the magnitude of
the increase or the decrease, in respect to the previous
value, to be sent to the ballasts. In practice, larger values of
K increase the speed of the approaching to the set point.
Small values of K allow for greater stability of the regulation
but a slower response, while large values of K make the re-
sponse faster, but some oscillations can appear.
Start Value is the value from which the regulation starts
when it is activated.
The Auto options, when checked, place that zone in auto-
matic regulation mode at the power up of the ballasts or of
bus; if the option is not checked, the lights will
go to the value set in the ballasts (typically 100 %).
Figure 8 shows some typical value for the just described
The buttons Start Prog. and Start Read. allow, respectively,
to transfer the values currently shown in the table to DF-
DALI module and read the current configuration of DFDALI
and report it into the table.
The buttons From File and To File allow, respectively, to
open a file, with .TRG extension, containing a previously
saved regulation table and to save the table shown in the
window to a file. The Default button clears the table.
To change the setpoint value of a group from a supervisor
or similar devices, the destinations 0x91
0x98 have to be
used, as described in “Commands via bus” paragraph.
The functions 0xDD, 0xDE 0xDF allow to enable and dis-
able the automatic regulation from the bus on the group
specified by the Destination field (0x81
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Figure 8: Automatic brightness regulation