DTI GmbH & Co. KG
The warranty time for this instrument is 2 years starting with the day of invoice. Dur-
ing the warranty time our service department will repair every failure of the instru-
ment, which is depending on material or manufacturing. The necessary spare parts
will not be charged. Old parts will belong to us.
Exceptions concerning warranty are power and connection cable, rechargeable bat-
teries. Lacks depending on non purpose usage and excluded also. Repairing those
failures will be charged. In case of an unfounded warranty claim the demanding per-
son will be charged for all costs. Precondition for fulfilling the warranty duty is the
presentation of the invoice. The warranty is not transferable. A service does not ex-
tent the warranty time.
The detector must not be used for mine searching. Special mines react on distur-
bances of the earth magnetic field. This mines can be activated by a strong electro-
magnetic field. Mine fields are marked. Persons with pacemakers or other medical
instruments must not use this instrument. The electromagnetic field might influence
the rhythm.
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