DTI GmbH & Co. KG
Choose the ‚Audioverstärker’ - audio amplifier – and set the value to 1. To be able to
follow the effect a slow rise of the click tone is necessary.
Choose the parameter ‘SUCHSPEICHER’ – searching memory – by the pushbutton
‘F1’. This is an outstanding parameter. After start it always has the value 11. It always
will be stored in the program memory with this value. So the value has to be adjusted
after starting or loading a program in accordance to the current environment. The
detector has 64 searching memories. 33 auf these can be chosen. Every searching
memory is calculated out of 16 measured values. Each of this 16 values represent a
certain range of the detection signal. Tests have shown that the range of 11-15 is a
good average to grant a good functionality with all types of coils. The smaller this
value becomes the higher is the sensitivity for smaller objects. On the other hand the
reaction on the movement of the coil in the magnetic field of the earth and above the
soil in case of mineralization increases. Especially when the Audioverstärker – audio
amplifier it set to high values. A find adjustment in the lower range will have following
The Tongenerator – tone generator – doesn’t work in the range minimum to maxi-
mum any more, but reacts in the lower range or not at all. The bargraph display
shows the same behaviour. That doesn’t change if you use bigger objects. The spec-
trum further on shows the detection. You will recognize that from the left to the right
the first bars are not shown. For the 28 cm – 50 cm – coils an increasing of the
‘Suchspeicher’ – searching memory – is sufficient. It may be necessary to increase
the ‘Objektgröße’ – object size - . More later in this manual.
Please proceed following test:
Settings: ‘Suchspeicher’ – searching memory – 11 and ‘Audioverstärkung’ – audio
amplifier – 1. Take you test object and move it to the middle of the coil. Stop at the
first reaction and lower the ‘Suchspeicher’ – searching memory - .When lowering now
the click rate will increase what means that the searching depth increases. Increase
the ‘Suchspeicher’ – searching memory – and the reaction is visa versa. You should
do the same test in combination of ‘Suchspeicher’ and ‘Audioverstärker’ to observe
the reaction.
By the same way you can optimize the characteristics of the detector in the field. Ei-
ther by detecting with the factory settings, better by adjusting using your test object
lying on the soil.
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