DTI GmbH & Co. KG
This process can’t be done in a room except with the 50 cm coil. Frame coils have a
physical characteristic which absolutely have to be obeyed. The prime- and secon-
dary field of the coil is an alternating field. The folded coil works like a transformator.
The segments inducts currents to each other. Depending on the form this current can
cause an inductive short circuit. This causes an increasing of the current up to a mul-
tiple of the normal current. It can happen – depending on the amplifying settings –
that the coil or the detector can be damaged.
So always spread out the coil before working.
Up to now the parameter ‘Pulsleistung’ - puls power - has not been discussed. In air
an increase of the puls power can be recognized only at big objects. The transmis-
sion field is not disturbed through its way through the air and is very stable for that
reason. The field can close very early. Small object causes only small disturbances
for that reason. With increasing power in the air the sensitivity for small objects de-
creases. Depending on the soil this effect will be seen up to about 50 cm too. This
applies to the high current detectors Nexus and Genesis. So it is always recom-
mended to use the possibilities of the parameters ‘SUCHSPEICHER, AUDIOVER-
STAERKER’, SUCHVERSTAERKUNG’ before increasing the puls power.
Test the change of increasing the power with your testing objects. Increasing the
power means to use more battery capacity.
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