DTI GmbH & Co. KG
If you are in the fiel, test the soil first by your test object.
Switch you detector on. During this procedure the position of the coil is not important.
Start the detector by pressing ‚F1’
Wait for about 30 seconds.
Hold the coil into the air and press ‚Referenz’ – reference - .
Search for a week signal in the nearer environment. You also can use your test ob-
ject if there is no signal. The test object lying on the soil should produce the same
signal as you have seen after start in the air.
Move the coil out of the detection area and increase the ‘Tongenerator’ – tone gen-
erator – until you heare the first click. Now again do a reference in the air. This is
necessary because the detector is still in stabilisation phase.
Go back to the detection area and lower the coil over the object until a detection can
be recognized. Now chose the ‘Suchspeicher’ – searching memory – and decrease
the value. The detection signal now will become stronger without changing the dis-
tance. Rise the coil until the signal becomes weaker again.
Chose the ‘Tongenerator’ – tone generator – and increase the value. The detection
signal will become stronger without changing the distance. The value should be set in
a way that a regular grow fainter of the tone can be heard when increasing the dis-
tance to the object. Now again do a reference in the air.
If you don’t have a detection signal duiring soil calibration, even using your test ob-
ject, increase the ‚Suchspeicher’ – searching memory – or the ‚Objektgroesse’ – ob-
ject size – until the signal comes up again. Here we have to do with mineralization or
a big flat object is lying below the coil.
As described before, always an increasing ob the ‘Objektgroesse’ – object size – is
necessary for the frame coils. This must be decided in the field.
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