7.15 UPnP
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) enhances peer-to-peer network connectivity for personal
computers, wireless devices, and other intelligent appliances in a distributed, open networking
architecture. UPnP uses existing standard protocols, such as TCP/IP, Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTP), and Extensible Markup Language (XML) to seamlessly connect networked
devices and to manage data transfer among connected devices. UPnP provides an
architectural framework for creating self-configuring, self-describing devices and services.
Networks managed by UPnP require no configuration by users or network administrators
because UPnP supports automatic discovery. UPnP enables a device to dynamically join a
network, obtain an IP address, and convey its capabilities on request.
to activate the UPnP function and enter the
Advertisement Period.
Save & Restart
to save the settings.