XH6830 – DSE 802.11g ADSL Router
A protocol that links two computers in order to provide a terminal connection to the
remote machine. Instead of dialing into the computer, you connect to it over the Internet
using Telnet. When you issue a Telnet session, you connect to the Telnet host and log in. The
connection enables you to work with the remote machine as though you were a terminal
connected to it.
SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. In the TCP/IP protocol suite, SMTP is an
Application-layer protocol that uses the TCP Transport-layer protocol to send and receive
DNS: DNS is a TCP/IP service for centralized management of address resolution. Using
DNS, you can specify a symbolic name instead of an IP address.
HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol. HTTP enables Internet users to request, receive, and
provide documents on the World Wide Web.
A standard mail server commonly used on the Internet. It provides a message store that
holds incoming e-mail until users log on and download it. POP3 is a simple system with little
selectivity. All pending messages and attachments are downloaded at the same time. POP3
uses the SMTP messaging protocol.
AUTH: Services such as e-mail and ftp use Ident ( Port 113 ) for logging in and authentication
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol. PPTP is a protocol that enables a PPP client to
connect to a remote server as if the connection were directly terminated at the server.
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