GS-50ANTQ - 15.24m(50’) external antenna extension kit (suitable for interior/exterior mounting).
Specific instructions for the installation of the extension antenna are included with the kit. Observe all the electrical safety
instructions regarding the installation of the antenna. All the wiring of the equipment shall be fully compliant with the local
rules and regulations.
If required, install the antenna extension and perform the following steps to determine the best location for placement
of the antenna:
Disconnect the white whip antenna from the panel.
Attach one end of the antenna extension cable to the threaded antenna connector on the panel and the other
end to the external antenna.
Move the extension antenna to various locations while observing the two green LEDs on the panel.
a. Continue to reposition the extension antenna until it receives an acceptable (minimum one green LED ON solid)
signal strength.
Minimum strength is:
green LED 1 flashing and
yellow LED off. If green LED 1 is flashing, relo-
cation should be considered.
Mount the supplied antenna extension bracket at the location that provides the best signal strength.
Alternately, reposition the panel to improve signal strength. Dismount the panel and move it to another location to
achieve the required signal strength. If the panel is relocated to improve signal strength, mount it in the new location.
When final panel/antenna location is determined, continue at the
Initial Panel Programming
If the SIM card is not activated, placement test will indicate the signal strength of the nearest cellular tower.
In between displaying signal strength, the signal strength LEDs will flash alternately if an inactive SIM card is used.
The flashing indicates that the module is attempting to attach to the cellular network and will only last briefly.
Initial Panel Programming
Keypad Data Display
Section-Toggle Options:
The number is displayed when toggle is ON and the number is not displayed when toggle is
OFF. (e.g., toggle options displays: [--3--6--]. Options 3 and 6 are ON, all others are OFF). Pressing keys 1 through 8 will
alternately turn the toggle ON and OFF.
HEX/Decimal Data:
Values that are provided with two defaults, separated by a “/” character, use the format: hexa-
decimal followed by decimal equivalent (e.g., default [0BF5/3061]). Hexadecimal numbers are shown, with all leading
zeroes, to the full field length defined for the number.
Entering HEX values at keypad
To enter HEX values at the keypad, press the * key before entering the HEX value. (e.g., to enter “C” at the keypad, press [*]
Entering ASCII Characters at keypad
Press [*] and use scroll buttons [<] [>] to display “ASCII Entry” on the LCD screen.
Press [*] to select ASCII entry mode.
Use the [<] [>] scroll keys to display the desired character and press [*] to save and exit ASCII.
Repeat the steps above to enter another ASCII character.
HS2016/2016-4/2032/2064/2128 Initial Programming
For detailed information, refer to panel manual section ‘Alternate Communicator Set- up’. These sections must be pro-
grammed at the panel keypad. Enter
[*] [8][Installer Code] [Section Number]
. Record any values that are modified from
their default, in the appropriate worksheets for the panel or communicator.
In panel section
‘Communication Variables’, subsection
‘Communication Delays’, sub-subsection [1]
‘Communication Delay’, program 060 (seconds).
In panel section
‘Communicator Option 3’ set option [5] ON.
If this option is OFF, the yellow status LED on the communicator will indicate ‘Panel Supervision Trouble’ (2 flashes)
and the unit can not be programmed via the PC-LINK cable.
Activating the Communicator with C24 Communications
Installation of the 3G2080(R)E / LE2080(R) or TL2803G(R) E / TL280LE (R) in North America requires activation with C24
Communications in order to operate. Please contact the central station (C24 Communications Master Reseller) to confirm
the required steps to activate / program the communicator.
All communicator options must be programmed via C24 Communications, except the following Ethernet options which can
also be programmed using the keypad or DLS:
[001] Ethernet IP Address
[002] Ethernet IP Subnet Mask
[003] Ethernet Gateway IP Address
Summary of Contents for PowerSeries Neo 3G2080RE
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