LED is on.
This LED indicates signal strength and network technology. If the 3G4010CF is operating in over a 2G
channel, the LED will be YELLOW. If the 3G4010CF is operating over a 3G channel, the LED will be
GREEN. If this LED is Off and the Red LED is On, the Wireless Network service is unavailable (NO
SERVICE). This LED flashes when the Wireless Network reception is poor. If this LED is on, the
3G4010CF is able to communicate with the 3G (HSPA) or 2G (GPRS) network.
Service Mode
To view detailed trouble information on the status LEDs, the 3G4010CF must be placed in Service Mode by removing the front
cover. When in Service Mode, the status LEDs will indicate the trouble condition as follows.
Number of Flashes
Trouble Type
Wireless network trouble - unable to connect to cellular network
Battery trouble - battery with low voltage output
Input power trouble
Flashing Insufficient signal strength - poor location
Flashing C24 suppressed trouble
Flashing C24 communication configuration trouble
Radio/SIM trouble - radio or SIM unresponsive
Receiver not available trouble
Supervision trouble
Case or wall tamper is open
No trouble
Operating Principles
Simulated Landline Mode
The simulated landline provides the alarm control panel (with dialer interface) with a back up line in the event of PSTN line
The 3G4010CF must be programmed as a back-up communicator for Simulated Landline Mode to operate.
If the voltage on the landline terminals (TIP/RNG) drops below 2.8V for a period of between 10 seconds and 45 seconds -
depending on the alarm control panel connected to the T1/R1 terminals- the 3G4010CF switches the connected telephone
device to the cellular network. After waiting between 30 and 40 seconds, it checks the landline for one of the following:
If the landline has been restored, the 3G4010CF switches the connected device back to the landline, OR
If the landline is still down, the 3G4010CF continues the simulation until the landline is restored. The 3G4010CF will not
switch during ongoing calls.
When the landline is down, the 3G4010CF provides a dial tone to any device connected to T1 and R1, including any
telephones on the premises. The phones on the premises will not, however, be able to dial out over the 3G4010CF.
Panel Transmission Monitoring (PTM)
The 3G4010CF can also monitor the panel’s attempt to communicate with the central station. If it determines that the panel is
having difficulty, it switches the line to the cellular network. This feature is only active when the 3G4010CF is configured as a
back up communicator. This feature is in addition to the regular line voltage detection.
The 3G4010CF monitors the phone line for four consecutive failed attempts within a 12-minute window. A failed attempt is
assumed to have occurred when a line seizure takes place during dialing (either the alarm panel or the customer telephone),
but no 1400Hz tone (Contact ID kiss-off) or 2025 Hz tone(SIA kiss-off)is sent from the receiver.
Once the conditions for a failed attempt are met, the 3G4010CF connects the panel to the cellular network to communicate the
events. When the 3G4010CF switches the line it stays in this mode until the panel hangs up. On the next event the 3G4010CF
restarts the error detection sequence before switching.
The 3G4010CF performs this sequence on any phone number that is detected on the line. Specific central station phone num-
bers can be programmed into the 3G4010CF if desired. Up to four, 20- digit numbers can be added to your profile at Connect
24. If programmed, the 3G4010CF will only look for a Contact ID or SIA kiss-off after these numbers are dialed. A Telephone
Line Monitoring trouble (PGM output activation and/or reporting code if applicable) is also activated and/or transmitted when
the PTM is activated. A restoral is sent at the end of the call.