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Further Development & Programming
The Jaguar Control program
The Jaguar Control program is written with Visual Studio 2010 (in C#) under .Net 3.5 framework.
The control program uses the supporting components and libraries that should have been installed when you
install the control program from the installation CD:
AXIS Media Control Library Set These are the camera control component for the AXIS Mini Camera
(P/N: AXCAM-A) used for Jaguar robot. Please refer to “AXIS Media Control SDK Help” for detail.
Motion Control/Sensing System
Based on the protocol, you could develop your own program for any operation system. You could request
protocol sample code from Dr Robot using C++/Java, Matlab, and ROS. You should also contact Dr Robot with
any questions regarding protocol.
The communication port is connected at Ethernet module-I port 1.
Control program will connect to this board at, port 10001 by TCP socket.
Laser Scanner
Laser Ranger sensor (4m version, URG-04LX) is connected to Ethernet module–1 port 2 after voltage level
conversion. You could access the sensor data via TCP socket at port 10002 with IP
Default settings for the serial port are: 19200, 8, N, 1, no flow control, TCP, port number 10002 for Hokuyo
For URG-04LX-UG01(5.6m) or UTM-30LX(30m) setting is: 115200, 8, N, 1, no flow control, TCP, port number
Date and communication protocol could be found in “URG-04LX commspec_eg.pdf”.
GPS sensor output interface is RS232 serial port, and connected to Ethernet module-2 port 2 after voltage level
conversion. You could access the sensor data via TCP socket at port 10002 with IP
Default settings for the serial port are: 115200, 8, N, 1, no flow control, TCP, port number 10002
NMEA 0183 sentence is described in file “GPS18x_TechnicalSpecifications.pdf”. GPS configuration tool is
9 DOF IMU (Gyro/Accelerometer/Compass)
IMU sensor message will be ended with “CRLF”(\r\n”).
“$seq,Yaw,0.3,Gyro,gyroX,gyroY,gyroZ,Accel,accelX,accelY,accelZ,Comp, magX,MagY,magZ,(reserved text)”
"seq" is data package sequence number, value is in range: 0 ~255.
After “Yaw”, the value will be the estimate robot heading angle. You could use it or estimate the heading by raw
gyro, accelerometer, compass and GPS sensor data. The unit is radian.
After “Gyro”, the data will be 3-axis raw gyro sensor data.