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You could use the vertical track bar to zoom in or out.
It will display the 2 motor driver board state. If all of them in ESTOP(emergency stop)
state, you could click the button
to release the Estop.
When the GPS-IMU module is presented, this program will connect and display the GPS information on Google
Earth and IMU raw data on the text boxes.
The Gyro reading should be around “0” if the robot sit still without any motion. If you find any value of gyro axis
reading bigger than “10”, you could click button
to make the controller calculate the gyro offset again.
When camera is presented, the video and AV control buttons will be shown in the video window.
You could use the included Gamepad controller to navigate the robot. When used outdoor, especially under direct
sun lights, head-mounted display (optional accessory) will provide clear and large display with excellent outdoor
Gamepad Controller
Manipulator Arm J2 Up
Manipulator arm
gripper open
Manipulator arm gripper
Forward / Backward
Manipulator arm J3 turn to
Jaguar Turning Control
Manipulator Arm J1 Up
Estop/Resume wheel
Reset Manipulator Arm to
initial position
Manipulator Arm J1 Down
Manipulator arm J3 turn
to right
Manipulator Arm J2 Down
Front Light
Set Manipulator Arm Initial position