1. Ensure the “Start-up commissioning checklist” on Page 48 of this manual
has been completed.
2. Turn on the water supply.
3. Turn on power to the humidifier. The display may take several seconds to
appear as the controller powers up. When the humidifier is first powered
up, the control cabinet fan will turn on. At this point, the humidifier is
considered disabled, because it is in Standby mode.
4. Follow the Vapor-logic on-screen set-up steps, ensuring that wiring is
accurate and that start-up and installation checklists have been followed.
5. During start-up, do not leave the humidifier unattended.
6. Change mode from Standby to Auto in order for the humidifier to operate.
The humidifier must also be showing a demand before it will start.
7. The humidifier will then perform several steps to prepare for humidification:
The RX will immediately begin a line flush with 5 gpm water running
through the fill and drain lines. The purpose of this flush is to clean any
debris out of the lines leftover from installation. The drain flush takes about
one minute, and you may hear the humidifier draining.
8. Next, the humidifier will start to fill with water. At this time, the water will
be skimmed off the surface to prime the p-trap. You may hear the unit
draining. This process will take anywhere from six to eighteen minutes
depending on the size of your humidifier.
9. After the probe check is complete, the contactor(s) will click, energizing the
resistive heating elements. Once the unit starts humidifying, the solid state
relay (SSR) will modulate the heaters in accordance with the humidification
demand. The amount of time to boil varies depending on tank size and
supply water temperature. (In multiple stage units, a click can be heard
from the contactors when turning on/off a stage of heating elements).
10. Check the amp draw of the heaters. Refer to the humidifier wiring diagram
for the proper rating.
11. If you experience difficulties, have the display information available along
with the serial number and humidifier Model, and call DriSteem Technical
Support at 800-328-4447.
12. See page 3 for continuous operation of the RTS humidifier.