Interval Training
1. Select Interval Model.
2. The message LED will Display INTERVAL 1 when the Press INTERVAL key.
When prompted by the MESSAGE CENTRER to 3 Graphic, use the ARROW KEYS to
increase or decrease the displayed time to the desired value, and press ENTER.
3. When prompted by the MESSAGE CENTER to WEIGHT 67KG, use the ARROW KEYS to
increase or decrease the displayed time to the desired value, and press ENTER. (Max. : 180KG)
4. Select Hill Mode.
1. Select Hill Mode.
<Interval 1, 20min>
<Interval 2, 30min>
<Interval 3, 30min>
7. Set Target Heart rate.
When prompted by the MESSAGE CENTER to TARGET HR 96 BPM, use the ARROW KEYS
to increase or decrease the displayed time to the desired value, and press ENTER.
(*Target Heart Rate(THR) is a percentage of the theoretical maximum. For example, a 40-year-old
user’s THR for the CARDIO workout is 144. This workout targets 80 percent of the maximum,
so the equation would be(220-40)*. 80=144.)
8. Start the Workout.