Weight Loss Mode
1. Select weight Loss Mode.
The message LED will Display TIME GOAL when the Press the weight Loss key.
2. Use the arrow key to set the desired time, distance and Calories,
3-1. Selecting the TIME GAOL.
When prompted by the MESSAGE CENTER to EX TIME 15MIN, use the ARROW KEYS to
increase or decrease the displayed time to the desired value, and press ENTER.
3-2. SELECTING the Distance Goal.
When prompted by the MESSAGE CENTER to EX DIST 1.0KM, use the ARROW KEYS to
increase or decrease the displayed time to the desired value, and press ENTER.
3-3. Selecting the calories goal.
When prompted by the MESSAGE CENTER to EX CALS 100 CAL, use the ARROW EKYS to
increase or decrease the displayed time to the desired value, and press ENTER.
4. Set User’s weight.
When prompted by the MESSAGE CENTER to WEIGHT 67KG, use the ARROW KEYS to
increase or decrease the displayed time to the desired value, and press ENTER.
5. Start the Workout.
Weight Loss