Quick Start
1. Turn on the console.
when you begin to pedal, the console will automatically be turned on and
“select workout or QUICK START will appear on the display.
2. Press the QUICK START key.
3. Begin exercising and adjust the resistance level.
As you exercise, adjust the resistance of the exercise bike as desire
by pressing the UP(+) and DOWN(-) or numeric keys.
4. Measure your heart rate if desired.
To use the handgrip heart rate sensor, Place your hands on the metal contacts.
Your palms must be on the upper contacts and your fingers must be thuching the lower contacts,
Avoid moving your hands. When your heart rate is detected, H/R ♥ will blink for a moment and then
your heart rate will be shown.
5. To end your workout, stop pedalling on the bike.
You can also press the PAUSE/STOP key. In either case, the displays on the console freeze, allowing
you to review your workout statistics.
If the pedals are not moved, the console will automatically be tumed off to conserve the battery.
To dismount, step off the highest pedal first.
To pause a workout, press the PAUSE key, which brigns the resistance level
down near zero.
To continue a paused workout, press the PAUSE key again or the ENTER key.
Note that the user must continue pedaling during a pause in order to retain the
current workout information.
If the user stops pedaling, the workout automatically ends, and the information is lost.