Distance, depth
After freezing the image you should press
“OK” to open a dialogue window of the main menu.
2. Out of the shown options you have to confirm
the “Measurements” position with the “OK” button.
A marker (cursor) appears in the middle of
the screen. Simultaneously, below the image actual
state of the measured parameter are shown e.g.:
depth D0=22 mm, which means a distance of
cursor from the probe’s front of 22 mm.
4. Using navigational buttons
you should
set a marker in the chosen position on the screen
and confirm its position by pressing OK
– a new
green marker appears and simultaneously under
the image there will be a message about
measuring state, distance between cursors, e.g.
L0=12mm. This result will be saved after confirming
with the OK button.
5. Using navigational buttons again you should
set another marker in the chosen position on the
screen and confirm with OK. Simultaneously in the
measuring message there will be the actual
distance between positions of consecutive couple
of markers e.g.: L1=11 mm shown.
6. Measuring operation can be conducted for 4
pairs of cursors, by conducting in sequence the
above described activities. Further measuring
results are presented below the image and they are
colour-coded for better identification.