3.1.2 Channel Mixing / Assignment
The Channel Mixing settings page allows you to map channels from your controller,
as well as the DragonLink transmitter’s switches or the rotary pot (large transmitter
only), to any of the 12 channels on the DragonLink system. In addition, the sliders to
the right of each channel show the position of each channel, live, so you can confirm
their functionality without needing the receiver or additional hardware connected.
CH 1 – 12:
The drop-down menus on this screen allow you to assign an input to each
of the 12 channels that the DragonLink transmitter communicates to the receiver.
The available options for each channel include:
Channels 1 – 12 from Input 1
Channels 1 – 12 from Input 2*
Switch 1 (Ex1)
Switch 2 (Ex3)*
Rotary pot (Ex2)*